Monday, July 11, 2011

Step Up To A Better You

Step Up To A Better You
Make lifestyle changes one step at a time

I know you have heard this before but diets do not work, lifestyle changes do! Instead of trying to change everything over night, adapt to a new lifestyle by making adjustments to your diet and physical activity one step at a time.

Choose a few unhealthy food groups to eliminate such as soda, sweets or processed foods. Do as much as you can without feeling like you’re completely depriving yourself.

Focus on foods you can have.
Replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones. Redirect your attention by envisioning and focusing on good food choices and the cravings for unhealthy foods will gradually disappear. Breaking bad habits will become easier.

Move to a whole foods diet.
Eating natural foods such as fruits, vegetable, beans, whole grains and nuts will provide you with all kinds of benefits. Unlike most processed foods, which have been striped of their nutrients, whole foods are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, cancer and disease fighting components. You will loose weight, have more energy and a better and clearer state of mind.

Exercise! You don’t have to start big, just get moving.
Anything is better than nothing. You don’t have to be a workout maniac at the gym and get to the point where you can’t walk the next day. That often results in never wanting to work out again. Just start out easy and be nice to yourself. Respect your body. Start off with some yoga or walking. After a while you will crave more exercise because it feels good and you will continue to do more and more.

Exercise your mind with positive thinking.
One of my favorite quotes is by spiritual leader Dr. Wayne Dyer. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. If you view weight loss, exercise, success, wealth or anything else as difficult then it will always be hard to achieve. Start training your mind to view life in a positive manner. Visualize yourself as thin, active and healthy. Catch yourself when you start thinking of something negative and change it. Eventually thinking positive will become more natural and you will find you are attracting more good things into your life.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good advice for losing weight. I have never been overweight but I have used the above to swtich to a very healthy diet. The more nutrient dense the diet, the less they will have a craving to eat too much. I saw you on Twitter. That is how I learned about this blog.

    You should put a picture of yourself on this because you are gorgeous looking. They have done studies with adults and children and found they have a big bias toward good looks. They would do fake trials with good looking people and bad looking people. They were done exactly the same but the good looking people would be found innocent, while the others were found guilty. You look good enough to be a nutritionist on TV.
